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Pōniuāʻena, the Second Most Distant Quasar Ever Discovered
Oldest, Most Distant Quasar Just Found
Massive Quasar Given Hawaiian Name, Pōniuāʻena (June 26, 2020)
Astronomers Discover 13.02 Billion Years Old Monster Quasar |Poniua'ena
MKO@Home Ep. 35: Pōniuāʻena and Pōwehi
James Webb Telescope Terrifying Discovery About New Quasars
Live from NOIRLab @ Gemini: Searching for the Most Distant Quasars in the Universe with Jinyi Yang
The Biggest Black Hole PŌNIUĀ'ENA Discovered By NASA Over Muai Island...
Monster black hole found in the early universe
Astronomers Discover 'Monster' Quasar From Early Universe
Breaking News! James Webb Telescope Finds An Ancient Black Hole Wind That’s Killing Galaxies
The Daily Space 29 June 2020: Monster quasar found; axions could explain dark matter